"Success is Helping Others Succeed"
Hello, I'm Dean Ellis, founder and principal hypnotist at Paradigm Hypnosis. I first became interested in hypnosis and self-hypnosis over thirty years ago, when I was still a teenager in high school, and I have used them ever since. They continue to have major impacts on my life.
My professional career outside of hypnosis involved software development, database administration, team management, employee development, and executive leadership of the global technical support organizations for two major open source database companies. Although I used hypnosis in all these roles, here I use it to empower the lives and work of individuals directly.
I have spent my life defining my own success in terms of helping others succeed, whether that was helping my teams, my companies, or my customers. That same passion drives me today: I work best as a force multiplier, effecting high impact changes in the lives of my clients and, through them, the lives of everyone else.
It is fair to say that I am highly rational, analytical, and both scientifically and technically minded. I love solving problems and making improvements. In the world of "Myers Briggs personality types", I am definitively INTJ. My approach to hypnosis reflects this.
- Certified Hypnotherapist (International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotists)
- Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (Anglo European College of Therapeutic Hypnosis)
- Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Anglo European College of Therapeutic Hypnosis)
- Conversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy (Steve Roehm)
- Roehm Smoking Cessation Protocol, Stress Relief, Weight Release, Mindbending Language (Steve Roehm)
- Applied Conversational Hypnosis, Conversational Hypnosis Mastery, Mind Bending Language Mastery, Advanced Mind Bending Language for Hypnotherapy, Hypnotic Symbolic Language (Igor Ledochowski)
- Deep Trance Identification (Shawn Carson)
- Mindscaping (Mike Mandel)
- Continued professional development and ongoing study via Hypnosis Training Academy (Igor Ledochowski), Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy (Mike Mandel), Anglo-European College of Therapeutic Hypnosis (Adam Eason), Integrative Hypnosis (Melissa Tiers), Jason Linett, Jorgen Rasmussen, James Tripp, insatiable curiosity, and a lifelong love of learning.