Lose Weight with Hypnosis
You can release the weight that holds you down. Hypnosis helps you feel full and satisfied, enhances your motivation for healthy choices from diet to exercise, and resolves the unconscious programming that caused unhealthy behaviors.
Everyone experiences a challenge with weight at some point in their lives. Maybe you only need to lose a few pounds so you can wear your favorite jeans again. Maybe you need to lose the side effects of a decade behind a desk. We've all been there.
You know it's unhealthy. Even if you don't think about how it increases your blood pressure, your risk for stroke or diabetes, or that it can cause sleep apnea and other breathing problems. You know it reduces your quality of life.
"Eat less, move more" sounds so simple. On paper. Yet over 70% of Americans today are overweight or obese. That rate is increasing, while the number of people actively trying to do something about it is decreasing.
The usual methods just don't work.
Everyone is different. No one looks their best in a "one size fits all" outfit, and no one achieves lasting weight release with a generic "one size fits all" approach, either.
Maybe you really do just need to eat less. And maybe you really do just need to move more. Perhaps you only need fewer sweets.
You may already have an approach that works for you. A keto diet. A plant based diet. Chicken and green beans for every meal. But it's boring and you just need some help sticking to it.
Or, like most people, you may have unconscious emotional drivers behind the behaviors that created the problem in the first place. Treating the symptoms instead of the cause is a recipe for "yo yo" dieting.
Hypnosis is the missing ingredient.
I offer several different approaches to losing weight with hypnosis based on your individual needs.
If your needs are simple then I can help enhance your motivation for positive choices and put diet compliance on autopilot.
Or if you really only need to "eat less", I offer a hypnotic "gastric band" procedure so that you automatically feel fuller without overeating.
And if you're serious about making a truly lasting change, book an ongoing process over multiple sessions to resolve the unconscious emotional drivers and associations behind the problem so that it never comes back.
I'm Dean Ellis, founder and principal hypnotist at Paradigm Hypnosis. Like everyone else, I struggle with my weight at different times in my life. I bounce between feeling great and being ashamed to appear in photographs. I've been chained to a desk, liking sweets more than they liked me. I've tried different diets and exercises. Sometimes they worked for a while and sometimes they didn't. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis helped make it easy to quit playing with that "yo yo".
Let me help you make it easy, too.
Hypnosis can do much more than help you lose weight. Click here to learn more about my other services or Contact Me if you have questions.